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The reporting is divided into the areas "summation", "month", "week", "year" and "individual times".


The reporting can not be exported from XTWeb. This must be done via the Xpert-Timer Pro.


In the summation area, you see your individual projects summed up. Clients are shown in blue, main projects in green and time accounts / subprojects in black. You can choose between predefined time ranges. If you need a free reporting period, you have to go through the "individual times" section.

You can use many filter settings for the view. If you own the rights and need other users' time, you can filter for another user here.


Monthly report


In the view of the month you see the overview of all recorded times grouped either by client, main project, project or task. Again, the times are only available in decimal format.

On the right side of the toolbar you will find the filters again, as mentioned above. So you can filter comfortable by clients or specific projects

Weekly report


The view of the week is only easy to read in landscape mode, or a correspondingly large display. Saturdays and Sundays are automatically hidden on a small display and are only visible in the landscape view.

Due to lack of space, the times in this view are only displayed in decimal.

In the weekly view, the filters already listed above are also available. In addition, you can set the summations based on the project (see screenshot) or the client, main project or task.

Also select the calendar week as well as the year for the reporting.

Annual report


This list shows the recorded times per month. Again, you can use the filters mentioned above.

Individual times


The reporting "individual times" provides you with all time stamps in detail. The clients appear in blue, the main projects in green and the time accounts / subprojects in black.

Please note that the total sum is just a page total. So, if you need the total time of a project and the individual timestamps divide into multiple pages, you'll need to go through the  reporting "summation".