Employee data

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Employee data


In the user data, only the last name as well as the personnel number is a mandatory field. If you use the short name, it is used in the column "Employee" for example when printing reports, or in the lists (time stamp list). So you can anonymize names or adjust accordingly.

The security level regulates the visibility of clients and projects in the Xpert-Timer system. If you have no rights, you can not change this security level. As an admin, however, this option is available to you.

The user is assigned to a specific rights group in the Xpert-Timer Pro. There you can specify which functions the user can use in the Xpert-Timer Web.


In Xpert-Timer Pro, it's best to use the "Web Rights Only" filter and show the "Available for Web" column. This immediately shows you which restrictions apply to the user in XTWeb.
